These last 2 weeks have been a whirl wind of emotions. First, I lost a wonderful influence in my life, my Aunt Sue. My Aunt Sue was in the restaurant business with my Uncle for a long time. When I was in my teens, I would work side by side with her every day. She was amazingly strong. I have been very lucky to have had some very strong women in my life as role models. My Grandmother, who was a wonderful business woman, she started Canino’s Sausage when she was a young woman and ran it until she had to retire. These influential women in my life weren’t all business owners, such as my mother who worked hard all her life, they have shown me the amount of resilience and determination you need to be successful, and they also showed me success isn’t necessarily measured in dollar signs. It’s measured in the people you touch and the mark you leave in this world. As my Aunt was dying, I sat and prayed for God to take her, which is a very hard thing to do, and no matter how hard we prayed, he took her in his own time, which showed me know matter how bad we want something to happen it will not happen faster that it is supposed to. During this time, my phone was ringing off the hook with travel requests. This was my sign that I made the right decision to start a new career at 52. I will continue to look to the future, let things progress at the rate of speed God wants and I will continue to educate myself so that when this business allows me the luxury of doing it full time, I will have the knowledge to provide you my friends, family and clients the best possible service available. I know I will make mistakes, so please bear with me, as this process progresses, and I hope that my resilience and determination will influence someone else into pursuing a dream. So, please look back at the influences in your life and learn from them what to do and what not to do, (I know that not all influences are good ones). Never give up on a passion, even if you are driven off of your path, find or create a new trail back to that path that leads you to your passion, so that you can continue toward your dreams and a feeling of success. We are all stronger than we think and with family, friends and God at our side we can accomplish anything.
God Bless
Happy and Safe travels.