So much has been happening in my mid-life change of career. I received my first commission check yeah!!!! It helped me to realize I can do this. I went to a seminar for travel consultants and when I told people that I was just entering the travel business they looked at me like I was crazy, (which is nothing new, I have put that expression on many peoples’ faces), but I said yes. I decided that even if I wasn’t able to become a successful travel agent, I might be an inspiration to someone else in their 50’s (or at any age as far as that goes) that has a desire to go for something different. I mean if you’re not feeling like your accomplishing anything in your life, or starting to feel stagnant and unhappy then maybe you need to make change. Most of you know that I’m not very adventurous, and I have a tendency to get set in my ways, this only shows you that if I can step out of the box anyone can. You just have to find your passion. This last week I have enhanced my French specialist certification, by becoming Languedoc-Roussillon Certified a beautiful region of France. I am also half way through becoming a Hawaiian Specialist. These classes are extending my bucket list immensely. I also learned a lot in writing about the Amalfi Coast for my newsletter. If I wasn’t adventurous before I sure am excited now to visit new places and enjoy new experiences. I pray that God blesses me with the ability and time in my life to continue to follow my dreams and share them with my husband and family. Speaking of family, I am still working on the Family and Friends Cruise for April 2013, please call or email me so that we can get your cabin reserved. April 2013 is going to be great, and I hope I can share it with you.
Well I will close this blog with a special thought for all the graduates out there. Never let anyone tell you “you can’t do something” and always follow your dream. If for some reason blockades get put in your way, medical, physical, emotional, or you fall off the path you should be on. Look deep into your heart, trust in God and you will find the right road back to where you are supposed to be. He won’t close a door without opening another one for you, but it’s up to you. You can stay in one place and stare at the closed door or have the strength and faith to step through the new one. There may be something spectacular waiting for you on the other side.
Thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting on my thoughts. Keep reading, keep commenting and share with your family and friends.
Happy and Safe Travel (start saving for April)
God Bless