I have been facing a fear over the last couple of weeks and wasn’t sure how to address it. Since I am now a full-fledged Independent contractor and within a month will have to rely on this career to help pay the bills, I have been in a slight panic. I now feel like a bird that has been pushed out of the nest and it’s either learning to fly or face the many dangers below. Well, I want to fly, I want to soar, but deep inside I am so afraid, I am stuck on the edge of the nest. Should I or Shouldn’t I, and the big one Can I or Can’t I. Failure is not an option since at 52 this will probably be my last shot at a career and an income that will help me and my husband reach our dreams. I have a great community of support around me and a wonderful mentor to advise me. It’s this little voice in me that I wasn’t able shake. I received some advice from my son Anthony this last week and for only 22 years old he has a pretty good insight. First, he told me not to procrastinate, (it has always been a bad habit of mine and apparently he could see it) then he said Mom you will only get out of it what you put into it. After discussing this with him, a few other people, my husband and the Lord, I’ve realized one thing I have to do is change my frame of mind. I am a business owner, I am not an employee and I have to start thinking like a business owner. This is very unusual for me and one hurdle I have to get over. I am on my own to succeed. Self-confidence, although a lot of people think I have it, is something I lack. So my new mantra is, “I am a strong, intelligent, competent women” I have the ability, (physically and mentally), I have the skills,(and what I am lacking in I am taking the steps to acquire), and I have the passion. So with a lot of faith and a little luck and help from friends and family I am stepping out of the nest. I may bump into a few branches but I am not going to hit the ground. I HAVE TO DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS. Thank you all for your support, referring me to your friends, and for listening. I look forward to being the best travel agent possible. Please write your comments and let me know how you overcome your fears, or found a way to motivate yourself into a change. Watch for notification on my website, glkdreamtravel.com, I am going to update it and make it more useful. Email me at gina.kemper@frosch.com for any travel questions/quotes. Keep following my blog and see if I reach the clouds.
God Bless and Happy and Safe Travels