Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Five words that can change your life: Love, Peace, Happiness, Health, and Wealth.

LOVE – The most important word in the English language. This 4 letter word can fill your heart with joy or break it right in half. It can be a powerful force that gives you strength or a debilitating emotion.  A word that is so powerful it can change your life in a second and change the world if we let it.  I have learned that first you have to love yourself, inside and out, if you can do this then you open yourself up to love someone else and allow them to love you.  I have been lucky enough to have felt the love of a parent, the love of friendship, the love of family, the love of my God, and the romantic and passionate love of a spouse.   I have witnessed love grow and love die.  I want to tell you that there is no greater feeling, whether you feel it for the first time or the 100th time. Love will pull you through the worst of times and lead you to the best of times.  Love yourself and everyone around will love you. Keep yourself open to love and to being loved. If we allow ourselves to love each other, no matter who we are, the world will be a better place. 

PEACE – Whether it is Peace of mind, Peace between people, Peace between nations.  Peace of mind is to know what you are doing is right, knowing that your innermost thoughts are true and having no regrets.  Peace between people is to accept everyone, LOVE everyone and treat everyone with respect and if you can do those three things you will have peace in all your relationship.  Peace between nations, God has given this wonderful world to all to enjoy, if we ignore greed, eliminate our pettiness and appreciate the differences in every person on earth, then Peace will reign in our nations.  Peace has to start with one person and grow from there. Let Peace reign in your heart and pass it on with kind words, a smile, a handshake or a hug and Peace will grow.

HAPPINESS – I have learned that happiness is a choice.   No amount of money can buy happiness, but it is an emotion that can be stolen from you, if you let it.  For instance I’m sure there has been a time when someone has asked “why are you so happy” or “you don’t have anything to be happy about” Well I tell them, yes I do, I am alive, and each morning I have the ability to choose to be happy or unhappy.  Yes there are times in our lives that sadness, depression and anxiety comes over us, allow yourself to feel those emotions, recognize those emotions and you will then be able to say nope I want to be happy.  Once we learn how to control our own happiness, we can face every obstacle that we may come across with a better outlook. Happiness is also contagious; it is very hard not to be happy when you are surrounded by other people who are happy.  We can learn this lesson from our children.  Even on a bad day, if you go and watch children playing in a playground, laughing, and smiling without a care in the world, you can’t help but smile.  As adults we do have a lot more to worry about but those worries are lessened and a lot easier to handle with a smile on our face.  So tomorrow when your feet hit the ground, say Thanks for another day, and say I understand there is a lot of sadness in the world, but I am going to choose to put a smile on my face and be happy. Maybe my smile will help turn someone else’s day around and then let there be an outbreak of happiness for everyone to feel. 

HEALTH - The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." I would agree.  There are many determining factors, other than genetics that affect our physical, mental and social well-being a lot of them come from choices we make.  Diet and Exercise are only a couple choices we make that help or hinder your physical well-being. But when it comes to our mental or social well-being the lines aren’t so clearly drawn. In choosing HAPPINESS over sadness we can help our mental health. Choosing to open yourself up to LOVE will help your PEACE of mind and help you overcome many things that endanger your social well-being.  Even when there is an ailment that you are faced with, the right frame of mind will not only help you through it but will let you allow others into your world that may be able to help with your overall well-being. So when you are faced with a possible threat to your health, Physical, Mental or Social, deal with all the emotions you will feel and then say I have the power to overcome this, put a smile on your face and fight all the bad with good, because without our health we won’t be able to enjoy the many wonderful things out there that make our lives wonderful.

WEALTH – when people see this word most people think money. But Wealth can be so much more.  You can be wealthy with an abundance of family and friends or because you have a wonderful relationship. Maybe you live paycheck to paycheck, but you have a wonderful husband, great children, food on the table and a roof over your head, to some people you may be the wealthiest person on earth. On the other hand you may have all the money you need but aren’t happy and can’t find love then maybe you are looking for wealth in material things and not feeling it in your heart.  So, if you’re needs are provided for, you have happiness and love in your life and peace in your heart, YOU ARE WEALTHY, no matter what your bank account says. 

These five little words can be your strength or be an excuse; you can blame them for your situation in life or use them to better your life.  I hope that you choose to look at them as I do and allow their true meaning to shine within you.  You may be surprised on how changing your point of view can change your life.  With all my heart I wish you LOVE, PEACE, HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND WEALTH forever in your world.
God Bless
Happy and Safe Travels.