Friday, April 5, 2013

Smiles and tears, love and anger, happiness and passion all universal

I wanted to write a few things about what I witnesses that is similar all over the world.  It doesn't matter whether you are in the city or the country, whether you are in the bush of Africa, a boat on the Mekong or in the richest country in the world there is one thing that hit me.  Humans are humans. Yes you can have different beliefs, wear different clothes or carry different money, deep down we are all the same.  We desire happiness, love and passion in our lives.  In every country I saw a mothers love for her child by kissing their tears away, I saw young people falling in love by holding hands and staring into each others eyes.  I saw senior citizens get a helping hand from a stranger, I witness siblings arguing and parents disciplining. I heard laughter from a child that made everyone smile, and laughter from an adult that made you feel their happiness. If there are tears in someones eyes or a smile on there face it doesn't matter where they are from you understand. Passion is definitely universal. Each person I talked to spoke with passion about something and that passion is what helped you connect to that person. How can you not connect to someone that lights up when they see a child running through a park, hold a dog in there laps, see wildlife at its best and worst, have tears come to there eyes when they speak about their city or even reach out there hand to you in a church and say peace be with you. I realized if you don't have a burning passion whether it be for your country, your employment, your family and friends or just life. You are empty.  People all around the world just want one thing to be happy.  I met people that lived in mansions which everyone assumes are happy but I also saw people that lived on the river banks with dirt floors that invited us in to their homes, had nothing but each other and  were happy,  Happiness it's a universal emotion.   If someone asked me what was one thing that I learned about on this trip that may change my life I would have to say is that no matter your race, no matter your religion, We all look at the same sky, same stars, we all the same dreams.  Humanity is amazing.  Oh and one more thing.  ANTS and Traffic are everywhere.

You can see pictures of my adventure on facebook, Pinterest or on my website

God Bless

Happy and safe travels.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Buenos Aires the city of Parks

Buenos Aires the city of Parks

It was pure fate that we got to visit this great destination just a couple of weeks after one of their own became Pope.  The city was filled with pride and Vatican flags.  We stayed in the Rigoletto part of town and it was wonderful, clean and quaint, we felt safe and walked the all over the neighborhood. Our first night there was Palm Sunday and there was a little church just a few blocks from our hotel, we went to beautiful mass, walked through a street market and then stopped at a sidewalk cafĂ© for dinner and glass of wine, a perfect evening. Our city tour took us to some hidden treasures such as a cemetery that was unbelievable and also where Eve Peron was buried.  Our guide also informed us of so much history about this city and I wasn’t aware of such as the amount of Italian influence from the immigrants that settled there. She took us to the La Boca area I don’t think I have ever seen such a colorful area, I could have spent an entire day walking around. I was amazed at the amount of parks and dogs in this town everywhere you looked there were dog walkers and the parks were maintained with such care the garden of roses was so beautiful it really made you want to stop and smell the roses.  These parks were free to walk around in and made you feel at home. We went to a dinner and tango show in the St Elmo section of town that made you fall in love with their passion of music and dance.  I will definitely return to this lovely town. 

This destination was a wonderful way to end our Around the World Journey.  My next blog I will try to sum up our adventure.