I finished 2 more courses this week, France Expert Agent and Royal Caribbean Expert Plus. I didn’t realize everything there is to do in France, I went to Paris when I was 17, way too young to appreciate what I saw, but what I learned about the countryside over these last 3 weeks and all the little towns, just makes me want to get on a plane and spend a month walking through the villages and visiting the churches and museums and wineries. I also learned about all the geographical ports around the world that Royal Caribbean stops in and all the wonderful excursions to do. It made me realized that there is not enough time in one lifetime to see everything that this wonderful world has to offer. I just hope that I will get to sample a small part of it with my husband over the next 30 years and then impart to my children and grandchildren, (if I ever have them), the desire to visit their dream destinations. Everyone should start making a list when they are young, and if you’re not young start now, prioritize and then work hard and save. I think the memories that you will create with your loved ones will be cherished forever.
I started creating my newsletter, being publisher, editor and writer is a little overwhelming but I’m getting through it. I hope to have it done next week so that I can start sending it out monthly, I’m trying to make it interesting and fun so it will be an email that you look forward to receiving. I also learned this week about Corporate Branding. So if you notice that my website hasn’t been up or my page and twitter names have changed that’s why. So look for updated pages, website, social marketing tools and hopefully more consistent communications to come in the future, relative to my new career. I would like to thank those of you that are keeping me busy looking up trip prices and destinations, It is really helping me grow as a travel consultant.
As far as my health, I went back to tracking every calorie, yes even those little tastes you take while cooking, everything counts, I have exercised every day this week and after getting a clean bill of health for my back I went back to lifting weights, I had to make a mental note to myself that I should only worry about things that are within my grasp to change. As a parent you want to worry about everything your children do and it will make you sick. You have to trust that you raised your children to the best of your ability, gave them all the tools they need and pray that God will guide them in the right direction. At 52 years old I have learned that If I don’t like something, and I don’t have the power to change it then give it to God to worry about, but if I don’t like something and I DO have the power to change it, then get started, nothing good ever came from worry and complaining, success and happiness will only come from getting up off your butt, making a commitment and working hard.
Have a nice weekend, please let me know your comments and don’t forget to follow me and share this blog with your friends.
God Bless.
Gina! You are amazing and so inspiring! I can really connect with your post this week :) making commitments instead of always talking about things and never taking action.....and setting goals to save money and travel now while I'm young! Things I've known...however its nice to hear it from a loved one :) more motivation!