Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Goals, Dreams, Success and Failure.

 Some of you may say, wow she is late with her blog, others may say her blog came out early this week, and yes my blog usually comes out on Fridays.  Last week was a little crazy, it would be really easy to say I’m not going to do this anymore and spend my time in front of the TV but NO. I’m going to get back on track and doing that is requiring me to set some goals for the next year.  I decided if I was serious about my resolutions, I should start with some goals.  The one thing that’s hard about setting goals. Is the fear of not reaching them, that horrible word FAILURE, but if you don’t set them you have nothing to reach for.  You can’t succeed unless you give it a shot and if you don’t reach your goals, you can still have the pride that you tried, but never give up, just start again.  So I’m starting with some daily, weekly, monthly and finally yearly goals.  Baby steps, with 52 years of life experience under my belt, I’ve learned the first step is the hardest, so my daily goal is to, first kiss my husband there are so many times you just get so busy that the only kiss you give is when you are leaving, coming home, or going to sleep. I want to make sure that I give my husband that kiss that says I love you everyday, I also want to study everyday, thus leading to my knowledge for my new career, and finish my passion to learn Italian.  Weekly I am going to keep up with this blog, I have decided that it is keeping my stress level down and is great therapy, next communicate with everyone I know or have connections with to continue to build my business and I also want to exercise at least 3 times in hope to find that healthy and fit body that has been hiding inside. Monthly I would like to read a book, whether it be a self help book, a how to book, or a romantic novel, (I will keep you up to date on my choices and if any of you have any suggestions let me know), Keep up with my monthly newsletter, monitor my website, and tell at least 3 new people about my new travel business and finally yearly, by the end of the year I would like to be working full time as a travel consultant, and make some money at it. I would like to have taken at least 2 trips and fill my milk jug with quarters. (I was told if you fill a gallon milk jug completely with quarters you will have $1000.00).  So far this week I have completed 2 classes, Austria Expert and a client software class, exercised 2 times, finished my website  and wrote this blog, I think I’m on my way to meeting my daily and weekly goals.  I want you all to hold me to this, I feel it is always a little more motivating to have someone to be accountable to, so with each blog I will give you an update.  There will be times that I don’t reach those goals and I would ask you to comment, yell at me or give me some words of encouragement.  If I continue to meet all my little goals, I will be able to celebrate with you the accomplishment of my yearly goals.  Now those of you that know me know I like being in my comfort zone, so being susceptible to failure is not like me, but at my age I can’t wait any longer to reach for my dreams.  THE TIME IS NOW.   I hope you have dreams in your life and set your own goals to reach them.  Tell me about them and I promise I will help motivate and encourage you too.  Please share this blog with your friends it just might help someone you know achieve their dreams also.  Love you all, live each day to the fullest.
God Bless and Happy and Safe Travels.

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