Monday, May 7, 2012

Where has the time gone

Well another birthday has come and gone.  I look in the mirror and think where did the time go?  52 years of experience, knowledge, frustration, friendships, memories, and love they have gone by in a flash.  It’s been 8 months since I decided to make some improvements in myself and my life. I have learned so much in those 8 months and despite the curve balls I’ve been thrown, I’m still at the plate.  I’ve decided that if those curves balls keep coming, I’ll keep fouling them off, until I get a hit.  (For those of you that are still getting to know me I like baseball).  I have been booking trips, trying to grow my client base and filling my brain with a wealth of information.  I recently read a quote that said “There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results”. Well I want you all to know I am committed to growing my business, bettering myself and becoming the best travel advisor/agent that God will allow me to be.  My goal is to try and help everyone I can to make some wonderful memories.  I hope that in the process I will also be an example for anyone that says they are too old or set in their ways to make a change (you know you don’t have to be old to be set in your ways).  As long as you have a desire, a passion, your health and support from the people that love you, you can accomplish anything.  So please bear with me as I try to market myself, (I’m really not nagging you), I will try to save trees and use the Internet as much as possible.  Please read my newsletters and emails. Visit my website Send me comments on my blog, help me to start conversations regarding travel on my social marketing sites and forward my information to everyone you know, individuals and or businesses.  I could really use all the advice and support you can give me.  I still have availability on the Friends and Family Cruise I am arranging for next year and would love to have you join me for one big party.  Thanks to you all for your encouragement, love and support.  There’s still time for this old dog to learn some new tricks.
Happy and Safe Travels
God Bless

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